Monday, 16 March 2015

HCiViocare - Prosthetist, Glasgow

For further information on the position available please click on the link.

LimbPower - 2015 Advanced Rehabilitation Clinic



LimbPower, the National Disability Sports Organisation dedicated to helping amputees and the limb impaired reach their sporting potential, are holding another Advanced Rehabilitation Clinic following the success of the initiative launched last year.  This clinic will help primary amputees build confidence, strength, stability and empower them in the early stages of their quest to improve their mobility.

LimbPower’s Advanced Rehab Clinics aim to bridge the current gap that exists between the rehab offered by the NHS, and the ability to participate in sports, fitness and lifestyle activities.  The current service teaches amputees how to walk using their artificial limb with training on basic techniques, but there is much more that could be done to aid amputees in the early stages of rehabilitation which would have a huge impact on their quality of life. 

Research shows that participation in physical activity enhances the lives of amputees, reducing the risk of medical interventions such as knee and hip replacements and even improving life expectancy. 

For 2015, the Advanced Rehab Clinic will include a separate programme dedicated to carers, partners and case managers, ensuring that this important support network are equipped with the information to assist in the ongoing progress of the amputee.

Kiera Roche, LimbPower Founder commented; “Back in 2006 I attended a running clinic where I was taught the basic techniques of running, but what really opened my eyes were the day-to-day benefits of the stability exercises and leg strengthening exercises I was taught to improve my gait and balance.  We have used these techniques within our own successful ‘Learn to Run’ clinics since then, but the Advanced Rehab Clinics will allow us to reach those new amputees who are yet to even consider sport as something for them and help them to get the most from their prosthetics.”

The one-day course will be a mix of educational and practical training sessions focussing on core stability, proprioception of the artificial limb, gait training exercises and general health and fitness.  The course will encourage new amputees to take control of their own rehabilitation and well-being and equip them to take part in any sport or activity they choose.

The 2015 Advanced Rehab Clinic will be on the 15rd April at and be held at Roehampton University.  Anyone interested in finding out more details should contact Gemma Trotter on

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Freedom to Speak Up: Give your views on supporting NHS staff to raise concerns about care

A consultation on plans to support NHS staff to speak up about poor care and patient safety has launched.

It follows the publication of Sir Robert Francis's Freedom to Speak Up review in February 2015, which made recommendations on how to create a culture where NHS staff feel safe and confident in speaking out. The report was commissioned by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt in response to concerns about the reporting culture and the treatment of whistleblowers in the NHS.

The recommendations were accepted in principle by the Government, and we are now consulting on the best way to implement the principles and actions. Specific actions we are seeking views on include:

  • Every NHS organisation having a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
  • A new Independent National Whistleblowing Officer who will provide national leadership; and
  • Standards for professionals on raising concerns.

The consultation closes on 4 June 2015.

Read the consultation and take part.
