Sunday, 31 May 2015

Parliament recognises that allied health professionals (AHPs) possess a diverse range of unique skills

That the Parliament recognises that allied health professionals (AHPs) possess a diverse range of unique skills and expertise in rehabilitation and enablement that are key to supporting self-management and enabling active, independent and productive living; believes that AHPs are crucial in the treatment and prevention not only of physical ill health but also of mental ill health; recognises the added value that AHPs can have in terms of preventative, upstream approaches; acknowledges that AHP interventions can significantly reduce unnecessary hospital admission and can help to reduce dependency on care services, resulting in savings to health and social care; recognises and congratulates the increasing number of AHPs in Scotland on the important role that they play in prevention, early intervention and enablement in supporting the health and wellbeing of the people of Scotland throughout their lives; believes that this approach can be further strengthened through the ongoing integration of health and social care services; further believes that the valued role of AHPs would be best supported by understanding the areas that are most in need and therefore calls for an audit of the National Delivery Plan for the Allied Health Professions in Scotland, 2012 – 2015 with a specific focus on performance of self-referral as a primary route for access and musculoskeletal AHP waiting times;  - See more at:

Shoe Collections

Are you collecting orthopaedic shoes for charity? Please get in touch with the secretariat for details of services that have footwear that can be donated.  Collection would be required.

0141 561 7217