Monday, 21 December 2015

BAPO November Bulletin 2015

AHP Careers Fellowships Scheme now open – NHS Scotland

Closing date, 12 noon on 15 January 2016  applications available here

Working as a locum? - this may affect you

New price caps for agency staff working in the NHS

FGM Mandatory Reporting – support pack for health professionals

For your information regarding mandatory reporting related to child protection

Launch of Orthotics report

NHS England has launched a report on orthotics this week. BAPO have been working with stakeholders to review commissioning guidance on orthotic services in England. This document was created by involved clinical commissioning groups and is a positive step in improving the knowledge of commissioners about orthotics and influence the way our services move forward in the near future.

Launch of Improved Engagement from NICE

NICE is establishing an Insight Community which provides opportunities for you to influence the development and improvement of NICE products. You can do this by taking part in any of the following activities:

·   Focus groups

·   Interviews

·   Surveys

·   Website testing sessions

·   Online searching exercises

They only contact you when there are relevant opportunities coming up. So far, nearly 1000 practitioners have signed-up. However, there is low representation by social care practitioners. To ensure NICE can better meet your needs in the future, we would like to invite you to join in their insight community. Your contribution would be much appreciated and will help us shape the future of NICE products. If you would like to be part of their Insight Community, please complete the short survey here.  It only takes 5 minutes.

Launch of exciting new opportunity for funding research

This week Arthritis Research UK launched a new project with the Design Council - the Spark product innovation fund

Workforce Survey

Thank you for the 400 of you who responded to this survey. We appreciate your engagement with the process and the honesty of your responses.

Results will be available at Conference in March - hope to see you all there.

Spinal survey

A working group has been looking at developing national spinal bracing guidance. They are interested in finding out what you would prescribe in certain situations. Look out for the link to the first of their series of 3 online surveys available in December.

BAPO membership

It’s renewal time already. Please ensure you update your details and return your paperwork to the Secretariat before you miss the cut-off date.

EC Nominations

We currently have 7 empty seats on our Executive Committee and no practicing prosthetic clinicians.

Been qualified for more than 5 years and interested in shaping the future of our profession? Please drop me an email for an informal chat -


Don’t miss out, only 4 days left to take advantage of the early bird rate for conference!!

Professional Affairs Committee

The Committee would like to highlight the release

of two NICE Guidelines, ‘Older people with social care needs and multiple long-term conditions’ and ‘Venous Thromboembolic Diseases (Standing Committee Update)’.  Link to the guidelines below:

NICE guideline on older people with social care needs and multiple long-term conditions


2016 Short Course Programme coming soon, look for further information in BAPOmag 2016 Issue 1.

Places available:

MSK Foot & Ankle – 15 & 16 January 2016 (Trulife, Sheffield)

MSK Foot & Ankle – 6 & 7 February 2016 (Tebbit Centre, Oxford)

BAPO December 2015 Bulletin

AHP Career Fellowships scheme still open for applications – NHS Scotland
Closing date, 12 noon on 15 January 2016  applications available here

AHP- A strategy to develop the capacity, impact and profile of Allied Health Professionals in public health 2015-2018
Strategy from the Allied Health Professionals Federation supported by Public Health England

Independent prescribing
Interested in improving the scope of care you provide to your patient? We are launching a profession wide consultation to debate the issue around prescribing and are inviting all interested parties to register with the Secretariat now. Please email or telephone 0141 5617217

Working in the independent sector-this affects you.
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 clinical practitioners who work in the independent sector are considered to be Data Controllers with respect to the data they process on their patients.
> If they hold any patient identifiable information then it is their responsibility to apply to become a Data Controller.
> Registration and compliance with the Act is dealt with by the Office of the Information Commissioner. Registration may be made by telephone on 01625 545740 or by internet at Registration costs £35 per annum.
> It is a criminal offence not to be registered.

Population Healthcare Training for Healthcare Public Health Professionals
An invitation to join a free learning programme to develop your skills in implementing value-based and population healthcare
Public Health England has commissioned Better Value Healthcare to deliver a training programme for PHE, NHS and Local Authority staff working in healthcare public health, to equip them to make a full contribution to the transformation of healthcare envisaged by the Five Year Forward View.  This programme integrates with health economic training in PHE

For more details click here.  Event password: bettervalue

Training dates: 
·        6th January 2016 Birmingham
·        1st February 2016 Greater Manchester
·        29th February 2016 York
·        22nd March London

Interested in how NICE committees function?
NICE has opened registrations  for the public to observe the committee meeting for stroke will open on Monday 30th November 2015 on the NICE website.

If you would like to register for this committee meeting, please do so via the following web page:
Applications close Monday 14th December

HCPC launch practice educator standards

Spinal survey
A working group has been looking at developing national spinal bracing guidance. They are interested in finding out what you would prescribe in certain situations look out for questionnaire number 2 ready now, link below:

Professional Affairs Committee

The Committee would like to highlight the release of the following NICE Guidelines:

Remember to book your place for the upcoming BAPO Conference & Exhibition at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry!

Don’t miss out!
2016 Differential diagnosis MSK courses below:
15 & 16 January – Trulife, Sheffield
15 & 16 April – Halo, Wellington
Book your place now by visiting the BAPO website or contacting

BAPO Secretariat Christmas Close Down

The BAPO Secretariat will close for Christmas and New Year on Wednesday 23rd December at 1.30pm and will re-open on Tuesday 5th January at 8.45am.