BAPO consultation
The consultation period into the formation of a centre for excellence is coming to an end. The potential for the formation of a scheme will be discussed and voted on at the AGM on Friday 18th March. The document circulated was a sample of what could be developed for the profession in the future. If the vote is passed, the next step is to form a working group with all stakeholders represented to ensure the scheme is fit for purpose for any service model in the UK.
Please let us know your thoughts if you haven’t already.
Salford launches first ever UK wide survey into the use of foot orthotics
Researchers at the University of Salford are leading the first ever survey into the use of foot orthoses in the UK. The project is being led by Professor Chris Nester and builds on previous work in the EU SMARTPIF project, during which focus groups with NHS clinicians were used to investigate current foot orthotic practices and barriers to technology adoption.
The survey is now open and can be completed at:
The Greater Manchester Allied Health Professions Research Network skills audit survey
The Greater Manchester Allied Health Professions Research Network have been awarded some money from the Councils for Allied Health Professions Research, to support researchers and clinicians to develop their research skills. Before we set up the project, we would like know what type of skills AHPs in Greater Manchester have and the types of support they would like. The survey will take less than five minutes and is open to all AHPs who WORK in the Greater Manchester area. Anyone who completes the survey may select to have his/her name entered into a prize draw, for a £50 voucher.
As well as completing this survey yourself, we would be most grateful if you could forward it to any other AHP colleagues working in Greater Manchester.
NHS England is publicising new commissioning guidance for rehabilitation at the end of the month which will focus on all stages of life and all conditions. This will include both specialised services as well as local service provision. This will be of interest to commissioner and providers as well as clinicians. Due to the high number of AHPs sitting on the group the guidance is strong and reflective of the breadth of the AHP role across rehabilitation services. It will contain detailed economic evaluation for the professions which will be helpful in arguing for services.
There are four regional events due to take place as follows:
5th April – Leeds Met Hotel 14th April 2016 - Reading Hilton Hotel 19th April – Grand Connaught Rooms, London 27th April – NSPCC National Training Centre, Leicester
SPARG Conference, 10th June 2016
Further information on the Conference can be found by clicking here
Professional Affairs Committee
The Committee would like to highlight the release of the following Guidelines:
BAPO Membership Renewals
Insurance renewals – Please return your insurance renewal paperwork by Monday 28 March. If we don’t receive your renewal paperwork, you will not be covered by BAPO insurance policies. If you have any questions surrounding your renewal paperwork please contact the BAPO Secretariat at
If you have still to return your Membership Renewal paperwork, please do this as soon as possible.
Don't miss out on the first courses in our 2016 short course programme! Differential diagnosis MSK courses: 15 & 16 April - Halo, Wellingborough 12 & 13 May - Reed Medical, Blackburn Lower Limb X-ray Interpretation: April - BAPO Secretariat, Paisley May – BAPO Secretariat, Paisley July – Salts Techstep, Birmingham Book your place now by downloading a booking form from the BAPO website or contacting for more info.