Outcome Measures
BAPO is doing some work on outcome measures. If you haven’t filled in the survey yet now is your chance, we need as many P&O professionals as possible to fill it in so please pass it on to those who may not be BAPO members. http://survey.bapo-online.com/index.php/944889/lang-en
The government have now introduced the legislation requiring all AHP’s to have professional indemnity insurance. This will not affect the majority of registrants as they will already be indemnified either through their employer, BAPO Indemnity Insurance, directly with an insurer or a combination of these. It is, however, important that each HCPC registrant has the appropriate level of cover for their practice.
HCPC have published guidance for registrants, -Professional indemnity and your registration, which is available on their website here: http://www.hcpc-uk.org/assets/documents/10004776Professionalindemnityandyourregistration.pdf
HCPC have also put together some Frequently Asked Questions which are
available here: http://www.hcpc-uk.org/registrants/indemnity/
BAPO are part of the AHP research network and as such our profession can access and involve themselves in their activities. For those considering or already involved in research, the following may be of interest:
Clinical Academic Careers Capability Framework – May 2014
NHS England has announced the appointment of Suzanne Rastrick as Chief Allied Health Professions Officer. She will work alongside colleagues both within and outside of NHS England, as the Senior Adviser to the Department of Health on AHP matters, as well as representing England’s health professionals on the international stage
Sir Robert Francis is currently leading a review to drive up safety standards in the NHS and to protect staff who speak out in the public interest in order to create an open culture needed to ensure safe care for patients.