Thursday, 12 November 2015

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Lifetime Achievement Award 2016

Celebrating 10 years since our last award BAPO will be presenting one of our fellow professionals with a Lifetime Achievement Award. All too often years of hard work and innovation go unrecognised until we read about a retirement or sadly an obituary in BAPOmag. We are looking for nominations for Orthotists, Prosthetists, Technicians and Assistants who in the eyes of their colleagues have made a significant contribution to the orthotic/prosthetic field during the course of their career.
Nominees will be voted for in a postal ballot with the winner receiving the award during a formal presentation at BAPO Conference 2016 in Coventry. Closing date for nominations is 30th November, 2015. To nominate please complete the form below and return to the BAPO Secretariat, alternatively you can nominate by email to

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

UK Prosthetics & Orthotics Workforce Review

We want to hear from anyone with a qualification in prosthetics and orthotics.

The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) is leading a review of the workforce in the UK.

This is the first step in a full scale review of our profession with 3 more surveys planned throughout the year.

Last year our profession was added to the national shortage list by the Centre for Workforce Intelligence.

From speaking to our members, the employers and reviewing the number of P&O professionals registered with the HCPC it is becoming apparent we have a problem with retention and would like to understand what the reasons are for people leaving the profession. We are also using this opportunity to capture the reasons people are continuing to work in the field, whether in clinical practice or another branch such as education or research.

We need to find out why people are leaving the profession and what we can do, in conjunction with the other key stakeholders, to reduce this trend and make prosthetics and orthotics a profession that people want to stay in for the long term.

So we are asking the profession for their help.

How many people from your class are still working in the profession?  If people have left do you know how to get in touch with them?  Please help us gather the information we need so we can then see what we can do in partnership with the universities and employers to support you and your colleagues in your chosen profession.

This will only take 5 minutes of your time.

Please read, complete the survey and then pass it on to all your contacts at work, old classmates, Facebook friends, anyone who once trained as a Prosthetist or Orthotist.                                                                                                                                         
Many thanks for your help
Lynne Rowley
Chair of BAPO

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Effects of ankle foot orthoses on body functions and activities in people with floppy paretic ankle muscles: a systematic review

Dymphy van der Wilk, Pieter Ubele Dijkstra, Klaas Postema, Gijsbertus Jacob Verkerke, Juha Markus Hijmans


Elastic ankle foot orthoses improve energy efficiency (dorsiflexor paresis).

Dorsal ankle foot orthoses improve energy efficiency and comfortable walking speed (plantarflexor paresis both with and without a dorsiflexor paresis).

Circular- and elastic ankle foot orthoses are more suitable for dorsiflexor paresis.

Dorsal ankle foot orthoses are more suitable for plantarflexor paresis both with and without a dorsiflexor paresis.



People with floppy ankle muscles paresis use ankle foot orthoses to improve their walking ability. Ankle foot orthoses also limit ankle range of motion thereby introducing additional problems. Insight in effects of ankle foot orthoses on body functions and activities in people with floppy paretic ankle muscles aids in clinical decision making and may improve adherence.


Studies published before October 27th 2014 were searched in Pubmed, Embase, Cinahl, and Cochrane Library. Studies evaluating effects of ankle foot orthoses on body functions and/or activities in people with floppy paretic ankle muscles were included. Studies solely focusing on people with spastic paretic ankle muscles were excluded. Study quality was assessed using a custom made scale. Body functions and activities were defined according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.


Twenty-four studies were included, evaluating 394 participants. Participants were grouped according to paresis type (i) dorsiflexor paresis, (ii) plantar flexor paresis, (iii) both dorsiflexor- and plantar flexor paresis. Dorsal- circular- and elastic ankle foot orthoses increased dorsiflexion during swing (by 4-6°, group i). Physical comfort with dorsal ankle foot orthoses was lower than that with circular ankle foot orthoses (groups i&iii). Dorsal ankle foot orthoses increased push-off moment (by 0.2-0.5 Nm/kg), increased walking efficiency, and decreased ankle range of motion (by 12-30°, groups ii&iii).


People with dorsiflexor paresis benefit more from circular- and elastic ankle foot orthoses while people with plantar flexor paresis (and dorsiflexor paresis) benefit more from dorsal ankle foot orthoses.


Friday, 2 October 2015

Hand and wrist orthoses for adults with rheumatological conditions

The BAPO Professional Affairs Committee provided feedback on this practice guideline by the College of Occupational Therapists and subsequently endorsed it. It may be of interest to orthotists practising upper limb orthotics in this patient group. It was developed using a NICE accredited process and is available to download from the COT website at the address below.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

BAPO September 2015 Bulletin

BAPO Flagship Scheme

Are you proud of the service your centre provides? Does your team collectively work to high standards? Do you strive to improve the quality of care you provide? Would you like a scheme that acknowledges these achievements? BAPO will soon be asking its membership whether we introduce an accreditation scheme to acknowledge excellence. Look out for further updates coming soon.


A working group has been convened to look at membership of the Association. We will be coming to you soon to scope your opinions about the function of the Association and what benefits of membership you want from BAPO.

Workforce and Professional Review

Link now open for the workforce review - WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU!
Completely confidential and only 5mins of your time.  Please respond and pass onto your colleagues from your university years through to work.  We want to hear from anyone who holds a P&O qualification.

Engaging with Students

BAPO is giving an introduction talk to 1st year students at both Salford and Strathclyde about BAPO and how we can support them in their chosen profession.
We have several student volunteers on almost all of our committees - interested in joining? Give us a call.

Make Every Contact Count - Healthy Conversations
Check out this great resource to help us make a difference to our patients health.

Working in a NHS England Vanguard site? Your Professional Body want to hear from you!                                                                              

Short course update

Spaces still available on:
KAFO Stance Phase Control and Lower Limb Solutions – 3&4 October 2015

Assessment Diagnosis and Treatment of MSK Foot and Ankle problems for Orthotists -  5&6 October 2015 (Leeds)
1&2 December 2015 (Nottinghamshire)

FES: Advanced Orthotic Technology – 21 November 2015

For further information please visit the BAPO website at

Professional Affairs

The Professional Affairs Committee would like to highlight the release of the NICE Quality Standard and amendments to an existing Standard:

Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetes in Adults

BAPO Conference & Exhibition:

Your copy of BAPOmag Issue 3 should arrive on your doorstep mid-October and will provide lots of information on Conference 2016.  We’ll have info on our exciting clinical programme, entertainment line-up and details of prizes and competitions running at Conference.

To make sure you don’t miss out on our early bird registration offers make sure you register between 1 Oct and 1 Dec.  Conference info and details on how to register are available at

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Monday, 31 August 2015

Friday, 28 August 2015

BAPO Bulletin August 2015


HCPC registration time has almost ran out. Please ensure you have received your documentation and re-registered this year. If you have recently moved house and not informed them, the paperwork will be sent to the wrong address. This will not be a reasonable excuse for failing to renew your registration and you will be lapsed from the register.

Workforce review

Recently BAPO submitted evidence of our workforce called for by Health Education England.  It gave a good illustration of the issues in our industry but also raised several areas of concern including poor retention after training.
BAPO is leading a review of the workforce. Please look out for the electronic link to our online survey arriving via e-mail in the next week or two. The survey will be open for 4 weeks and is a start of a nationwide multipart review of our profession.
It will only take 5 minutes of your time. We would be grateful if you could pass it on through social media to your colleagues, old and new. With this survey, we are trying to determine what factors cause people to leave the profession and determine what we need to do to reverse the trend. Engaging with BHTA, our training universities and the NHS we will be forming a working group to come together to tackle the issues that are identified. Please respond as we want to hear your views it is completely confidential and we need to know what is happening to our workforce.


Short course spaces are still available.
Differential diagnoses of MSK foot and ankle conditions
FES and orthotic interventions
Contracture management
KAFO 2 day course- conventional and stance phase control
Please visit or call the Secretariat for further info.

BAPO Conference 2016

Suzanne Rastrick, Chief Allied Health Profession Officer, NHS England opening conference 2016.

Kevin Kirby, Dr Chris Nestor, Dr Michael Dillon to name a few! Registrations open soon; look out for the early bird offer *limited time only*

Monday, 3 August 2015