The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) was established to encourage high standards of prosthetic and orthotic practice. It is committed to Continued Professional Development and education to enhance standards of prosthetic and orthotic care. BAPO is the only UK body that represents the interests of prosthetic and orthotic professionals and associate members to their employers, BAPO enjoys the support of a high majority of the profession as members.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Salford University - Teaching & Learning Intern x2
For further information on the positions available please click here
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Monday, 8 August 2016
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board - Prosthetist - Band 6
Please click here to view advertisement.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
BAPO Short Course - Making Sense of the Evidence - Paisley
Friday 2 September 2016 - BAPO Secretariat, Paisley.
During this course you will enhance your understanding of evidence-based practice in health and social care and develop their critical appraisal skills.
The practice experience of reading an article fully and picking it apart through discussion with peers enables individuals to share experience and gain knowledge in an open and non-threating environment.
You will have the opportunity to gain confidence in your skills in critical appraisal through:
- critically appraising a piece of research evidence
- breaking down the statistics and often confusing terminology and concepts.
For further information on this course or to book a place, please click on the below link:
Friday, 1 July 2016
Opcare - Prosthetist, Manchester
For further information on the position available please click here
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Friday, 24 June 2016
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Emerging AHP mandate for change – online workshop open 23 June
The Allied Health Professions (AHPs) mandate
for change is emerging following the analysis of over 10,000 ideas and comments
during the first phase of the online workshop.
The online workshop will open for one day during the annual conference, Thursday 23 June. When you log on you will be able to view the emerging mandate in the form of high level findings from the analysis of defining and realising our potential.
Defining our potential revealed:
- 4
ways AHPs will impact health & wider care system
- 4
areas of commitment to achieve this change
Realising our potential revealed:
- 4
themes which AHPs need to focus on with,16 specific enablers that will
help AHPs to honour the commitments
Please log on at any time during the day to view the emerging consensus from the AHP consultation and offer your thoughts on how the mandate, as it is expressed at this stage, makes sense to you.
Just to remind you, this online workshop is not a survey, but an interactive conversation open to anyone who wishes to engage to provide comment and feedback about the AHP emerging mandate for change.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
East Midlands Clinical Scholars Bronze and Silver Awards
Clinical Bronze Award
Suitable for registered NHS staff without postgraduate qualifications or formal training in research. This award support clinicians to go on to apply for a research Master's programme.
The Bronze Award will be available for up to 12 places to join the programme in 2016/2017.
Successful applicants to
the HEEM Clinical Scholars Bronze Award will have:
The Clinical Scholar’s ability to
compete successfully for the next stage of the Clinical Academic Pathway, such
as the Masters in Research (MRes)
a structured educational programme
48 days duration; start date November
2016. Besides a small number of mandatory education days and Action Learning
Sets, these days can be taken flexibly over the course of 6 months in agreement
with the Clinical Scholar’s organisation and academic mentor
Participation in facilitated Action
Learning Sets
you would like to talk to someone to discuss this opportunity please contact:
Dr Ros Kane (rkane@lincoln.ac.uk) or
Ian McGonagle (imcgonagle@lincoln.ac.uk)
Tel: 01522 837739
information can be found at: http://mhred.lincoln.ac.uk
Clinical Silver Award
Have you completed a
Masters or equivalent postgraduate qualification and are looking to further
develop a clinical academic career?
Health Education England
(East Midlands)are excited to offer up to 5 places to join the Clinical Scholar
Silver Award in 2016/17.
Successful applicants to
the HEE Clinical Scholars Silver Award Holders will have:
- Protected funded time (48 days over 12 months) to develop a PhD proposal and develop clinical academic networks necessary to supporting a clinical academic career.
- An individualised training and development plan based on identified needs.
- A HEEM approved research Mentor to support proposal development, facilitate high quality learning opportunities and access to research professionals.
- An identified clinical mentor in the chosen topic area to lend profession specific expertise.
If you would like to talk
to someone to discuss this opportunity please contact: Dr Kate Radford (kate.radford@nottingham.ac.uk)
Tel: 0115 8230226
Application Deadline: 22nd July 2016 Interviews: 8th
September 2016
Start Date: November 2016
If you are interested in
applying for this prestigious and competitive award please complete the application form and email to the scheme administrator patricia.dziunka@nottingham.ac.uk
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust - Orthotist, Rotherham & Chesterfield
For further information on this post click here
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Devon & Exeter NHS - Orthotist x2
For further information on the positions available please click here
Steeper Group - Prosthetist, Stanmore
For further information on the position available please click here
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
BAPO June Bulletin 2016
BAPO June Bulletin 2016
Free Online learning opportunity
–Introduction to Chronic Oedema & Lymphoedema
of Glasgow
Dates: 27th
June – 1st July 2016 and remains online for 1 month
This free
introductory online course has been developed to enhance understanding of the
problem of chronic leg swelling, its implications and strategies that help to
reduce swelling, risks of further complications, and increase the patients’
comfort. It is relevant for all healthcare professionals whose work involves
caring for the elderly, those with limited mobility, chronic vascular, skin,
renal and cardiac problems or obesity, as all are at risk of chronic oedema of
their legs.
Day 1 Online
introduction to the team (12.30pm).
Day 2
Swollen Legs and Feet workshop and knowledge check
Day 3
Interactive case study
Day 4
Consolidation and webinar question preparation
Day 5 Live
webinar presentation 12.30pm
Students who
successfully finish the course will be issued with a Certificate of Completion.
This course is
currently full however you can put your name down for the next dates by
following the below link:
Are you our new Informatics lead?
The National AHP
Informatics Strategic Taskforce is a group that has 3 meeting per year.
Suzanne Rastrick Chief AHP officer is current chair and the group is
represented by all AHP professional bodies as well as NHS England, NHS
Scotland, NHS Wales and agencies involved in informatics. The aim of the
group is to develop quality data on AHP input and subsequent outcomes related
to AHP interventions in health and care services. BAPO has been
represented in the initial formation of the group but we feel an Informatics
Lead is needed to continue this essential work. The Lead will be
responsible for
the association by attending NAHPIST meetings and collate good examples of the
use of informatics in integrated care settings
Prosthetic & Orthotic specific definitions for findings/assessment,
diagnosis, interventions, and outcomes
information requirements for Prosthetics & Orthotics
guidance for practitioners
If you are
interested in driving this work forward and promoting the essential work of
Prosthetists and Orthotists, please contact the secretariat. All relevant
expenses will be reimbursed and you will receive the support from members of
the Executive committee.
HCPC publishes revised Guidance on
conduct and ethics for students
The Health and
Care Professions Council (HCPC) has today published revised Guidance on conduct
and ethics for students.
To download the
revised Guidance on conduct and ethics for students visit:
Fit not Frumpy’ – How Shoe Fitting Can
Benefit Everyone-
conference 19th September.
The Society of
Shoe Fitters and the Healthy Footwear Guide Scheme are collaborating to present
their first
conference with a focus on the importance of shoe fit. Recent research will be
highlighted, providing guidance to inform the shoe fitting process and to offer
insight into developmental work in the footwear industry. Additionally,
presentations will be given from expert shoe fitters based on their experiences
in the industry to show why professional shoe fitting is so important for foot
This one day
conference is supported by the University of Salford and hosted by the
University of Northampton, and is being held on the 19th September 2016.
Delegate bookings can be made via the conference blog site at:
BAPO Annual General Meeting Minutes
It was agreed
that a draft copy on the AGM Minutes will be available to members following the
meet, these have now been posted on the BAPO website, you can access this by
following the below link:
Short Course
Making Sense of the Evidence - 2nd September - BAPO
Secretariat, Paisley
£90 BAPO Member
Friday, 27 May 2016
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
BAPO April Bulletin 2016
How AHPs will transform care – Take this chance to have your say.
Today the virtual platform is open for AHPs to take part in the online workshop to share views on how collectively they can deliver future care in England. This is your chance to have a voice and build a mandate for change.
By following a simple registration process via the link below, you can join the online workshop now and as many times as you like during the next two weeks to offer your insight to two key questions and to share best practice. https://ahp.clevertogether.com/en/login
NHS England Launch Commissioning Guidance for Rehabilitation
An interactive PDF at https://www.england.nhs.uk/ that supports the commissioning of effective, high quality rehabilitation services.
This guidance sets out how rehabilitation intervention helps individuals to ‘live their lives', covering the full range of rehabilitation for both mental and physical health across their life course.
HCPC launches online workshop to inform new social media guidance
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is launching an online workshop on 10 May 2016 inviting registrants and stakeholders to share their views on what should be included in their draft social media guidance.
To participate in the online workshop from 10 May, visit https://hcpc.clevertogether.com/en/login
Public Health England launch ‘Making Every Contact Count' consensus statement
Please find a link below to the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) consensus statement, which has now launched and can be referred or signposted to.
HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme is now open
Applications to the following levels:
- Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship (CDRF)
- Clinical Lectureship (CL)
- Senior Clinical Lectureship (SCL)
The closing date for CDRF applications is Thursday 19th May and CL/SCL applications close on Thursday 28th April. Further information about how to apply and eligibility criteria can be found on the NIHR website: http://www.nihr.ac.uk/funding/nihr-hee-ica-programme.htm
Veterans Mobility Fund
The Royal British Legion have set up a fund as part of the Veterans Medical Fund to provide funding for specialist wheelchairs, orthotic equipment and therapies to Veterans who have suffered a serious physical injury as a result of service. The applicants will need to be in receipt of a war pension or Armed forces compensations scheme award (AFCS) to be eligible for the funds.
Please click on the link for more information and circulate this as much as possible: http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/get-support/finances/grants/veterans-medical-funds/
Student Funding for AHP's
Department for Health are seeking views on how the proposed reforms on funding and financial support for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals can be successfully implemented. Give your view by clicking on the link: https://consultations.dh.gov.uk/workforce/healthcare-education-funding/consult_view
Introducing AHPs4PH
Public Health England have been developing a social media platform for AHPs with an interest in public health. The key objectives were to create a community and a space where AHPs can share PH-related info, develop networks, discuss research, publicise events etc.
PHE would like to thank you all for your contributions in shaping this platform and they have now created a Facebook group called AHPs4PH. The link is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AHPs4PH/
You will need to request to become a member as it is a closed group. Please have a look and provide any feedback. The hope is that this will become a self-sustaining group with members posting, commenting and interacting.
On Tuesday 10 May 2016, we will be launching an online workshop inviting registrants and stakeholders to share their views on what should be included in our draft social media guidance. Participants will be able to respond to questions until Tuesday 24 May 2016 about the use of social media and networking websites and also have the opportunity to input their ideas and opinions as to what should be included within the guidance. Feedback received from the workshop will help us produce a draft document which will then go out to public consultation.
BAPO Insurance Renewal
The deadline for insurance renewals has now passed. If you haven't completed and returned your forms yet please contact the Secretariat as soon as possible to avoid cancellation of your insurance.
BAPO Membership – Mail
Why not ask to receive the majority of your mail by email and help save the environment? (Please note this excludes Job Advertisements and other appropriate mailings.) Contact the Secretariat now to ensure you have asked to receive your mailings by email.
Regional Meeting
Why not attend our Yorkshire Regional Meeting on Thursday 28 April at Crispin Orthotics, Leeds. A chance to listen to our Guest Speakers and have a say in your Profession. Email enquiries@bapo.com to confirm your attendance.
Professional Affairs Committee
We are pleased to announce that following comments submitted by BAPO at development stage, the Stroke in Adults quality standard has now been published on the NICE website. Please use the following link to access the QS: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/qs2
The Committee would also like to highlight the release of the updated Venous thromboembolism quality standard, link below:
BAPO Short Course Dates
Assessment Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscoskeletal (MSK) Foot and Ankle Problems for Orthotists
Today the virtual platform is open for AHPs to take part in the online workshop to share views on how collectively they can deliver future care in England. This is your chance to have a voice and build a mandate for change.
By following a simple registration process via the link below, you can join the online workshop now and as many times as you like during the next two weeks to offer your insight to two key questions and to share best practice. https://ahp.clevertogether.com/en/login
NHS England Launch Commissioning Guidance for Rehabilitation
An interactive PDF at https://www.england.nhs.uk/ that supports the commissioning of effective, high quality rehabilitation services.
This guidance sets out how rehabilitation intervention helps individuals to ‘live their lives', covering the full range of rehabilitation for both mental and physical health across their life course.
HCPC launches online workshop to inform new social media guidance
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is launching an online workshop on 10 May 2016 inviting registrants and stakeholders to share their views on what should be included in their draft social media guidance.
To participate in the online workshop from 10 May, visit https://hcpc.clevertogether.com/en/login
Public Health England launch ‘Making Every Contact Count' consensus statement
Please find a link below to the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) consensus statement, which has now launched and can be referred or signposted to.
HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme is now open
Applications to the following levels:
- Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship (CDRF)
- Clinical Lectureship (CL)
- Senior Clinical Lectureship (SCL)
The closing date for CDRF applications is Thursday 19th May and CL/SCL applications close on Thursday 28th April. Further information about how to apply and eligibility criteria can be found on the NIHR website: http://www.nihr.ac.uk/funding/nihr-hee-ica-programme.htm
Veterans Mobility Fund
The Royal British Legion have set up a fund as part of the Veterans Medical Fund to provide funding for specialist wheelchairs, orthotic equipment and therapies to Veterans who have suffered a serious physical injury as a result of service. The applicants will need to be in receipt of a war pension or Armed forces compensations scheme award (AFCS) to be eligible for the funds.
Please click on the link for more information and circulate this as much as possible: http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/get-support/finances/grants/veterans-medical-funds/
Student Funding for AHP's
Department for Health are seeking views on how the proposed reforms on funding and financial support for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals can be successfully implemented. Give your view by clicking on the link: https://consultations.dh.gov.uk/workforce/healthcare-education-funding/consult_view
Introducing AHPs4PH
Public Health England have been developing a social media platform for AHPs with an interest in public health. The key objectives were to create a community and a space where AHPs can share PH-related info, develop networks, discuss research, publicise events etc.
PHE would like to thank you all for your contributions in shaping this platform and they have now created a Facebook group called AHPs4PH. The link is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AHPs4PH/
You will need to request to become a member as it is a closed group. Please have a look and provide any feedback. The hope is that this will become a self-sustaining group with members posting, commenting and interacting.
On Tuesday 10 May 2016, we will be launching an online workshop inviting registrants and stakeholders to share their views on what should be included in our draft social media guidance. Participants will be able to respond to questions until Tuesday 24 May 2016 about the use of social media and networking websites and also have the opportunity to input their ideas and opinions as to what should be included within the guidance. Feedback received from the workshop will help us produce a draft document which will then go out to public consultation.
BAPO Insurance Renewal
The deadline for insurance renewals has now passed. If you haven't completed and returned your forms yet please contact the Secretariat as soon as possible to avoid cancellation of your insurance.
BAPO Membership – Mail
Why not ask to receive the majority of your mail by email and help save the environment? (Please note this excludes Job Advertisements and other appropriate mailings.) Contact the Secretariat now to ensure you have asked to receive your mailings by email.
Regional Meeting
Why not attend our Yorkshire Regional Meeting on Thursday 28 April at Crispin Orthotics, Leeds. A chance to listen to our Guest Speakers and have a say in your Profession. Email enquiries@bapo.com to confirm your attendance.
Professional Affairs Committee
We are pleased to announce that following comments submitted by BAPO at development stage, the Stroke in Adults quality standard has now been published on the NICE website. Please use the following link to access the QS: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/qs2
The Committee would also like to highlight the release of the updated Venous thromboembolism quality standard, link below:
BAPO Short Course Dates
Assessment Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscoskeletal (MSK) Foot and Ankle Problems for Orthotists
- 12 & 13 May – Reed Medical, Blackburn
- 24 & 25 June - Oxford
- 27 April - BAPO Secretariat, Paisley
- 7 May - BAPO Secretariat, Paisley
- 8 July – Salts Techstep, Birmingham
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Monday, 7 March 2016
BAPO Bulletin: March 2016
| |||||
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS - Orthotist, Bowley Close
For further information on the position available please click here
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hsopital - Orthotists, Various
For more information on the positions available please click here
Thursday, 28 January 2016
BAPO Bulletin: January 2016
HCPC launch revised standards of conduct, performance and
A copy will be posted out to all registrants and you can
download a copy by clicking below:
Changes to funding for nursing and AHP undergraduate
courses announced in spending review
Have you seen this discussion thread? The bursary and
tuition fees which were available for some AHP courses including prosthetics
and orthotics are planned to be discontinued in 2017
Want more info? - click below
Spinal survey
A working group has been looking at developing national
spinal bracing guidance. They are interested in finding out what you would
prescribe in certain situations. Questionnaire
number 3 ready now, link below:
Professional Affairs Committee
The Committee would like to highlight the release of the
following Quality Standard:
Northwest Regional meeting
12th February, Allerton room, Salford University 6-9pm
4 presentations will run during the evening covering
prosthetic and orthotic subjects whilst offering the chance to catch up with
colleagues and hear what BAPO’s been up to on your behalf. Open to the
profession. See you there. Please contact enquiries@bapo.com
to confirm your attendance
BAPO Membership Renewals
If you haven't done so already, please return your BAPO
membership renewal paperwork in order that we may keep your details accurate
and up-to-date. If you have any
questions surrounding membership renewal please contact the BAPO Secretariat at
BAPO 2016 Conference & Exhibition
Technician of the Year Award – final call for nominations.
Calling all Prosthetists! Remember to submit your Free Paper
presentation by 31 January to be in with a chance to win our £500 prize.
For more info visit www.bapo.com/conference
or email conference@bapo.com
Don't miss out on the first courses in our 2016 short course
Differential diagnosis MSK courses:
15 & 16 April - Halo, Wellingborough
12 & 13 May - Reed Medical, Blackburn
Lower Limb X-ray Interpretation:
April - BAPO Secretariat, Paisley
Book your place now by downloading
a booking form from the BAPO
website or contacting enquiries@bapo.com for more info.
Monday, 18 January 2016
JSM - Orthotic Technician,Surrey
For further information on the position available please click here.
Monday, 21 December 2015
BAPO November Bulletin 2015
AHP Careers Fellowships Scheme
now open – NHS Scotland
Working as a locum? - this
may affect you
price caps for agency staff working in the NHS
FGM Mandatory Reporting –
support pack for health professionals
For your information regarding mandatory reporting related to child
Launch of Orthotics report
NHS England has launched a report on orthotics this week. BAPO have been
working with stakeholders to review commissioning guidance on orthotic services
in England. This document was created by involved clinical commissioning groups
and is a positive step in improving the knowledge of commissioners about
orthotics and influence the way our services move forward in the near future.
Launch of Improved Engagement
from NICE
NICE is establishing an Insight Community which provides opportunities
for you to influence the development and improvement of NICE products. You can
do this by taking part in any of the following activities:
· Focus groups
· Interviews
· Surveys
· Website testing sessions
· Online searching exercises
They only contact you when there are relevant opportunities coming up.
So far, nearly 1000 practitioners have signed-up. However, there is low
representation by social care practitioners. To ensure NICE can better
meet your needs in the future, we would like to invite you to join in their
insight community. Your contribution would be much appreciated and will help us
shape the future of NICE products. If you would like to be part of their
Insight Community, please complete the short survey here. It only takes 5 minutes.
Launch of exciting new
opportunity for funding research
week Arthritis Research UK launched a new project with the Design Council - the Spark product
innovation fund
Workforce Survey
Thank you for the 400 of you who responded to this survey. We appreciate
your engagement with the process and the honesty of your responses.
Results will be available at Conference in March - hope to see you all
Spinal survey
A working group has been looking at developing national spinal bracing
guidance. They are interested in finding out what you would prescribe in
certain situations. Look out for the link to the first of their series of 3 online
surveys available in December.
It’s renewal time already. Please ensure you update your details and
return your paperwork to the Secretariat before you miss the cut-off date.
We currently have 7 empty seats on our Executive Committee and no
practicing prosthetic clinicians.
Been qualified for more than 5 years and interested in shaping the
future of our profession? Please drop me an email for an informal chat - chair@bapo.com
Affairs Committee
The Committee would like to highlight the release
of two NICE Guidelines, ‘Older people with social care needs and
multiple long-term conditions’ and ‘Venous Thromboembolic Diseases (Standing
Committee Update)’. Link to the
guidelines below:
NICE guideline on older people with social care needs and multiple long-term conditions
2016 Short Course Programme coming soon, look for further information in
BAPOmag 2016 Issue 1.
Places available:
MSK Foot & Ankle – 15 & 16 January 2016 (Trulife, Sheffield)
MSK Foot & Ankle – 15 & 16 January 2016 (Trulife, Sheffield)
MSK Foot & Ankle – 6 & 7 February 2016 (Tebbit Centre, Oxford)
BAPO December 2015 Bulletin
AHP Career Fellowships scheme still open for applications – NHS Scotland
Closing date, 12 noon on 15 January 2016 applications
available here
AHP- A strategy to
develop the capacity, impact and profile of Allied Health Professionals in
public health 2015-2018
Strategy from the Allied Health Professionals Federation
supported by Public Health England
Interested in improving the scope of care you provide to
your patient? We are launching a profession wide consultation to debate the
issue around prescribing and are inviting all interested parties to register
with the Secretariat now. Please email enquiries@bapo.com or telephone 0141
Working in the independent
sector-this affects you.
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 clinical practitioners
who work in the independent sector are considered to be Data Controllers with
respect to the data they process on their patients.
> If they hold any patient identifiable information then it is their responsibility to apply to become a Data Controller.
> Registration and compliance with the Act is dealt with by the Office of the Information Commissioner. Registration may be made by telephone on 01625 545740 or by internet at https://ico.org.uk Registration costs £35 per annum.
> It is a criminal offence not to be registered.
> If they hold any patient identifiable information then it is their responsibility to apply to become a Data Controller.
> Registration and compliance with the Act is dealt with by the Office of the Information Commissioner. Registration may be made by telephone on 01625 545740 or by internet at https://ico.org.uk Registration costs £35 per annum.
> It is a criminal offence not to be registered.
Population Healthcare
Training for Healthcare Public Health Professionals
An invitation to join a free learning programme to develop
your skills in implementing value-based and population healthcare
Public Health England has commissioned Better Value
Healthcare to deliver a training programme for PHE, NHS and Local Authority
staff working in healthcare public health, to equip them to make a full
contribution to the transformation of healthcare envisaged by the Five Year
Forward View. This programme integrates
with health economic training in PHE
more details click here. Event password: bettervalue
Training dates:
6th January 2016 Birmingham
1st February 2016 Greater Manchester
29th February 2016 York
22nd March London
Interested in how
NICE committees function?
NICE has opened registrations for the public to observe the committee
meeting for stroke will open on Monday 30th November 2015 on the NICE website.
If you would like to register for this committee meeting, please do so via the following web page: https://www.nice.org.uk/event/qsac1_january_2016
If you would like to register for this committee meeting, please do so via the following web page: https://www.nice.org.uk/event/qsac1_january_2016
Applications close Monday 14th December
HCPC launch practice
educator standards
Spinal survey
A working group has been looking at developing national
spinal bracing guidance. They are interested in finding out what you would
prescribe in certain situations look out for questionnaire number 2 ready now,
link below:
Affairs Committee
The Committee would like to highlight the release of the
following NICE Guidelines:
Remember to book your place for the upcoming BAPO Conference
& Exhibition at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry!
Don’t miss out!
2016 Differential diagnosis MSK courses below:
15 & 16 January – Trulife, Sheffield
15 & 16 April – Halo, Wellington
BAPO Secretariat
Christmas Close Down
The BAPO Secretariat will close for Christmas and New Year
on Wednesday 23rd December at 1.30pm and will re-open on Tuesday 5th January at
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Ken Hall Vacancy - Orthotist and Assistant Orthotic Practitioner - South and East of England
Click here for more information on this vacancy.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Lifetime Achievement Award 2016
Celebrating 10 years since our last award BAPO will be presenting one of our fellow professionals with a Lifetime Achievement Award. All too often years of hard work and innovation go unrecognised until we read about a retirement or sadly an obituary in BAPOmag. We are looking for nominations for Orthotists, Prosthetists, Technicians and Assistants who in the eyes of their colleagues have made a significant contribution to the orthotic/prosthetic field during the course of their career.
Nominees will be voted for in a postal ballot with the winner receiving the award during a formal presentation at BAPO Conference 2016 in Coventry. Closing date for nominations is 30th November, 2015. To nominate please complete the form below and return to the BAPO Secretariat, alternatively you can nominate by email to conference@bapo.com
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