The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) was established to encourage high standards of prosthetic and orthotic practice. It is committed to Continued Professional Development and education to enhance standards of prosthetic and orthotic care. BAPO is the only UK body that represents the interests of prosthetic and orthotic professionals and associate members to their employers, BAPO enjoys the support of a high majority of the profession as members.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Department seeks three non-executive directors for the NHS Commissioning Board Authority
Health Secretary sets out objectives for NHS Commissioning Board Authority
Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has set out the Government's strategic objectives for the NHS Commissioning Board Authority and the basis against which the Authority will be held to account.
The Department of Health will hold the Authority to account for its performance against four strategic objectives, relating to:
- transferring power to local organisations
- establishing the commissioning landscape
- developing specific commissioning and financial management capabilities
- developing excellent relationships.
These objectives flow from the Authority's role to prepare for the establishment and operation of the NHS Commissioning Board.
The objectives will need to be delivered in the context of the Board's responsibility to contribute to the achievement of:
- improvements in health for the whole population
- better quality of care and outcomes for all patients
- increased value for the taxpayer through robust financial management and improved efficiency and productivity.
The objectives are relevant to the period when the Authority is operating (until October 2012), and also to the full NHS Commissioning Board when it is established, in its preparatory phase from October 2012 until March 2013.
From April 2013, when the Board takes on its full statutory powers, Ministers will set their objectives, on behalf of the Government as a whole, through the mandate.
Proposals for the mandate are currently being developed with the aim of consulting on them this summer.
Accuracy Verification of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technology for Lower-Limb Prosthetic Research: Utilising Animal Soft Tissue Specimen and Common Socket Casting Materials
Alternatives for pressure relief of neuropathic ulcer in the diabetic foot
R. Gallego Estévez, A. Camp Faulí, C. Viel i Blasco, N. Chaqués Salcedo, H. Peñarrocha Fernández
Diabetic Foot Unit. Clínica Virgen del Consuelo. Instituto Valenciano del Pie. Valencia
Among the chronic complications associated with diabetes mellitus, foot ulcers
are present in 15% of patients sometimes in the course of their disease,
and often leads to amputation. These ulcers are usually neuropatic and have
a poor response to mechanical stress that causes high plantar pressures. Using
offloading is an integral part of the healing process, which causes favorable
histologic changes in the ulcer, from a chronic inflammatory state to a
better evolutionary condition. There are many strategies for reducing plantar
pressure which have to be used in a protocol manner to obtain favorable results.
This article presents different methods of pressure reduction underling
the importance for professionals of their use in the management of diabetic
foot ulcers.
NEW Enhanced Insurance cover for BAPO members Reminder
Monday, 23 April 2012
HPC Renewal Audit
- 16 (70%)were accepted first time
- 1 (5%) was accepted after further information
- 1 (5%) was deferred
- 1 (5%)person lapsed and did not renew
- 4 (15%) are still under scrutiny
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Assessment of talipes equinovarus treated by Ponseti technique: Three-year preliminary report
Over £100 million given to support groundbreaking clinical research
NICE Clinical Guideline on Spasticity in Children and Young People
Health Education England bulletin launched
Guidance for staff facing proposals to change pay terms and conditions
QIPP Long Term Conditions
Friday, 20 April 2012
A new series of guides giving practical advice to CCGs about the value of patient and public engagement is out today
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Diabetes foot care report shows £650m cost of ulcers and amputations
NHS Diabetes is calling on the NHS to set up specialist diabetes foot care teams as a matter of urgency. Foot care multi disciplinary teams (MDTs) can generate savings for the NHS that substantially outweigh the cost of the team.