The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO) was established to encourage high standards of prosthetic and orthotic practice. It is committed to Continued Professional Development and education to enhance standards of prosthetic and orthotic care. BAPO is the only UK body that represents the interests of prosthetic and orthotic professionals and associate members to their employers, BAPO enjoys the support of a high majority of the profession as members.
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Satisfaction with cosmesis and priorities for cosmesis design reported by lower limb amputees in the United Kingdom: Instrument development and results
Nicola Cairns, Kevin Murray, Jonathan Corney, Angus McFadyen
Background: Amputee satisfaction with cosmesis and the importance they place on cosmesis design have not been published in the literature.
Objectives: To investigate the current satisfaction levels of amputees in the United Kingdom with their cosmesis and the importance placed on attributes of cosmesis design to inform future cosmesis redesign.
Study Design: Cross-sectional questionnaire study.
Methods: Questionnaires were administered to lower limb amputees in the United Kingdom. Satisfaction scores and the overall importance ranking of cosmesis features were calculated. Statistically significant relationships between two demographic, satisfaction or importance variables were tested using Fisher's exact tests (one-tailed) at a significance level p = 0.05.
Results: Between 49% and 64% of respondents reported neutral or dissatisfied opinions with the cosmesis features (greater than 50% for five of the nine features). The three most important features identified were shape matching the cosmesis to the sound limb, free prosthetic joint movement underneath the cosmesis and natural fit of clothing over the cosmesis.
Conclusions: The results indicate that current cosmesis satisfaction levels of amputees in the United Kingdom are below what the medical device industry and clinical community would desire. The most important cosmesis features identified by the sample can be used to direct future cosmesis design research.
Clinical relevance The findings will enable the medical device industry to improve cosmesis design in the areas that are important to amputees. The findings also counter anecdotal opinions held by clinicians, providing an opportunity for them to evaluate any preconceptions they harbour and how this might influence their clinical work.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Secretariat Festive Opening Hours
The Secretariat staff would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers Through Optimal Off-Loading Building Consensus Guidelines and Practical Recommendations to Improve Outcomes
Monday, 22 December 2014
Effects of Custom-Molded and Prefabricated Hinged Ankle-Foot Orthoses on Gait Parameters and Functional Mobility in Adults with Hemiplegia: A Preliminary Report
Friday, 19 December 2014
WHO/Europe | Rehabilitation: key to an independent future for children with poliomyelitis in Tajikistan
Representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and a WHO disability-rehabilitation team in Tajikistan in collaboration with representatives of the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics conducted follow-up activities from 22 September to 8 October 2014 to support the implementation of intervention and follow-up plans for children and adults with chronic paralysis caused by poliomyelitis (polio). The plans were developed in March 2014 at rehabilitation camps organized to assess the needs of people, mostly children, who had contracted polio during a large outbreak in Tajikistan in 2010.
Working with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the team met children and adults with polio, visited the republican orthopaedic centre, trained doctors in 3 locations and visited the Department of Traumatology of Karabolo Hospital in Dushanbe.
As the main outcomes of the mission, the team:
- described the importance of continuous referral and follow-up for children with polio;
- provided the first training in Tajikistan on postoperative rehabilitation therapy;
- trained local orthopaedic surgeons in 12 complicated operative procedures;
- technically monitored 24 children’s orthoses (externally applied devices designed for and fitted to the body) and suggested corrective measures; and
- helped design a system for guaranteed regular follow-up of children with polio.
A member of the rehabilitation team said that timely rehabilitation interventions – such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, orthoses, wheelchairs, crutches and, if required, surgery – can make tremendous changes in the life of a person with polio. Using polio as an entry point, the aim was to build a system of rehabilitation for all people with disabling conditions that will help give them equal opportunities and a greater chance to live life with dignity.
Long-term effects of paralysis due to polio
After the first, six-month, acute stage of polio, gradual recovery of some muscle strength is possible with the help of gentle exercises and positioning. After 2–3 years, however, further significant recovery of muscle strength is unlikely. At this point, rehabilitation interventions with assistive devices can greatly contribute to functional independence.
All of the children who contracted polio during the 2010 outbreak are now in this chronic phase of rehabilitation, which will last for the rest of their lives.
Looking to the future
The recent mission comprised the second phase of a three-year project focused on community-based rehabilitation of people with disabilities and the development of human resources in this field. The project is supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). In the first phase (March 2014), the team assessed 360 people with polio, mostly children, who represented the majority of known confirmed cases with paralysis due to the 2010 outbreak, and developed rehabilitation plans to address their needs.
These plans include therapeutic interventions and the identification of appropriate assistive devices. In choosing exercises and assistive devices, the aim is always to ensure the maximum of independence, comfort and confidence with the minimum of support. Many of the children may also require operations to correct or prevent deformities, although giving urgently needed orthotic and physiotherapy interventions now can decrease some children’s need for surgery in the next few years.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Indicators of Future Ulceration in Diabetes Patients of Low-Moderate Foot Risk
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Biomechanical Effects of Valgus Knee Bracing: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Rebecca F. Moyer, PT, PhDa,
- Trevor B. Birmingham, PT, PhDa, , (Dr.),
- Dianne M. Bryant, PhDa,
- J.Robert Giffin, MD, FRCS(C)b,
- Kendal A. Marriott, BScKinc,
- Kristyn M. Leitch, PhDd
To review and synthesize the biomechanical effects of valgus knee bracing for patients with medial knee osteoarthritis.
Electronic databases were searched from their inception to May 2014. Two reviewers independently determined study eligibility, rated study quality and extracted data. Where possible, data were combined into meta-analyses and pooled estimates with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated.
Thirty studies were included with 478 subjects tested while using a valgus knee brace. Various biomechanical methods suggested valgus braces can decrease direct measures of medial knee compressive force, indirect measures representing the mediolateral distribution of load across the knee, quadriceps/hamstring and quadriceps/gastrocnemius co-contraction ratios, and increase medial joint space during gait. Meta-analysis from 17 studies suggested a statistically significant decrease in the external knee adduction moment during walking, with a moderate-to-high effect size (SMD=0.61; 95%CI: 0.39, 0.83; p<0.001). Meta-regression identified a near-significant association for the knee adduction moment effect size and duration of brace use only (β, -0.01; 95% CI: -0.03, 0.0001; p=0.06); with longer durations of brace use associated with smaller treatment effects. Minor complications were commonly reported during brace use and included slipping, discomfort and poor fit, blisters and skin irritation.
Systematic review and meta-analysis suggests valgus knee braces can alter knee joint loads through a combination of mechanisms, with moderate-to-high effect sizes in biomechanical outcomes.
- knee osteoarthritis;
- valgus knee brace;
- biomechanics;
- knee adduction moment;
- systematic review;
- meta-analysis