Monday 9 July 2012

The Year 2011/12 – NHS Chief Executive’s annual report published

The year 2011/12 launched today at the annual NHS Confederation Conference and Exhibition. This is the annual report for 2011/12, in which Sir David Nicholson reviews the NHS achievements of the previous 12 months and considers the challenges to come.

This edition includes the quarter, which provides the definitive account of how the NHS is performing at national level against the requirements and indicators set out in the NHS Operating Framework 2011/12.

In his introduction to the year (PDF, 3.9MB), Sir David acknowledges the hard work and diligence of NHS colleagues, with the service now fully committed to delivering the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) efficiency savings.

Against a backdrop of massive organisational change, Sir David praises, 'the heroic efforts made by the 1.2 million staff who work for our patients in the NHS.' Together, they have delivered key successes, including the lowest infection rates since the introduction of mandatory surveillance, lower waiting times for A&E, cancer care and dentistry, and the delivery of £5.8 billion efficiency savings.

Sir David acknowledges the efforts of GPs to begin driving clinically-led commissioning and the wider NHS engagement with the new public health agenda and the creation of the Health and Wellbeing Boards.

Although the Health and Social Care Bill has now passed through Parliament, Sir David reminds NHS colleagues of the hard work to come 'to implement the transition from the old system to the new'. While acknowledging this 'daunting challenge,' he believes the annual report demonstrates strong foundations are in place to deliver further change for staff and patients.

Watch the video of Sir David Nicholson, Chief Executive of the NHS, discussing the challenges facing the NHS and the huge progress being made across health services.

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