A consultation to help ensure fair and transparent pricing for NHS services is opened today by the Department of Health.
From April 2014, Monitor and the NHS Commissioning Board will take over responsibility for pricing NHS services from the Department. They will do this through the national tariff. These arrangements will place responsibility for pricing with the bodies best placed in the new system to undertake it.
This consultation seeks views on the Department of Health's proposals for:
- which providers can formally object to Monitor's way of calculating prices
- what level of objections from commissioners and/or providers would require Monitor to: reconsider how it calculates prices, or refer its way of calculating prices to the Competition Commission, who will then decide whether or not it is appropriate.
- Respond to the consultation online
- Read Fair and transparent pricing for NHS services – A consultation on proposals for objecting to proposed pricing methodology
- Download consultation response form
- Read answers to frequently asked questions for this consultation
The closing date for responses is 21 December 2012.
This consultation should be considered alongside current consultations on a new licensing regime for providers of NHS services and procurement regulations for NHS commissioners.